Dearest Wintergarden Faith Community,
As we continue to pray for one another, our community, our country, and our world, let us do so with love and hope. Our weekly email of prayers is a way for us to share the prayers shared in worship, through the food pantry, and our various other ministries with a larger group. Due to privacy needs we will only include the first names of people and not last names. We also know this list will not be perfect and in need of constant updating. We will review this every week and be mindful of how we are being asked to pray for one another, our community, our country, and our world.
Pastor Devon
Prayers of Joy
- A list of joys were offered by Kymmie this week:
- for all the Mom’s in her life!
- for time with her dad and brother.
- for a level of pain relief and for the hope for continued healing and health.
- for all the beautiful human beings able to look up and see the beautiful light.
- Joy also for our many volunteers at the pantry, garden, disaster recovery, and throughout the church.
- We’re so grateful for those that were able to come and help on the work day. There’s a new fire pit, lots of weeds were pulled, trash disposed of and so much more. It was awesome, so thanks to you all!
- Pray for healing for Janet and for any insurance or other barriers to treatment to fall away.
- Prayers for Kymmie’s mom and for all who love her through her illness and for all her family as they return to their homes after her grandfather’s funeral.
- Prayers for Morgan’s boyfriend as he continues his cancer treatment.
- Pray also for Leslie who is in cancer treatment.
- Pray for Emma and Tommy as they prepare to go to bootcamp.
- Continue to pray for Barbara for the loss of her beloved husband, Fred.
- Continue to also pray for Bud and Donna.
- Continue to pray for Chery’s friend, Sandy, and also for Chery’s family.
- The approach of hurricane season stirs concern. Please pray for safety and peace for all our loved ones.
- Prayers for families that are struggling with heal and other situations.
- Please pray about the hate and violence in our world.
- And for all that is happening in the world!
- For all those struggling: the homeless, hungry and hurting; those fighting addiction and for their mental health; for our veterans; for those impacted by hate and exclusion; and for those serving and working for reconciliation for any of these. Pray also that we all remember, “there but for the grace of God go I.”
- For all the war and violence – for peace around the world!
- For peace in our own lives and for our world.
Traveling Mercies
- For Cheryl’s upcoming trip.
- Pray for safe travels for all for 2024!
On the website for the church, there is a way to submit your prayer requests. If this is something you would be interested in doing, please do so. The prayer requests are emailed to Pastor Devon once they are submitted. Here is the link: |