Dearest Faith Community Near and Far- First, Merry Christmas to everyone near and far! I pray that wherever you are, you are able to celebrate in a way that is meaningful for you this year. We hope you will join us for our Christmas Eve Eve service on Friday, December 23 at 4pm. Following the service, we will have lasagna dinner before it gets too cold outside! Second, the roof is completed on both buildings! And lots of bids coming in for further work to be done. Third, we will have Breakfast Church on Sunday, December 25 and January 1 at 9:30am. On the 25th, we will gather in the lobby and the library. And hopefully on the 1st, we will gather under the tent for worship. Fourth, the office will be closed for the week in-between Christmas and New Years. We hope everyone can get some rest! The food pantry will still be open, but other than that, the office is closed. Fifth, Sacred Space is cancelled on Sunday, December 25 or Sunday, January 1. And last, if you need anything to help with recovery from the Hurricane, please let me know. Just call, text, or email. Call me at 941-525-6671. Also, please continue to pray deeply for our community at large. If you have any questions or wonderings or concerns, please let me know. Call, text, or email. Blessings to you all! Much love, Pastor Devon |
Worship with Wintergarden
Christmas Eve Eve Worship Service @ 4pm
In the Garden and on Facebook Live
Lasagna Dinner to Follow
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Bulletin HERE
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to join us for worship.
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Dec. 23 – Christmas Eve Eve Worship @ 4pm
We Tell This Story
Luke 2:1-20
Dinner follows the service with lasagna, salad, bread, dessert!
All are welcome!
Christmas Morning Service at 9:30am
God Dwells With Us
John 1:1-14; Luke 2: 15-21
Wear your Christmas Jammies! Due to the cold temperatures, we will gather in the lobby for breakfast and the library for worship!
New Year’s Day Service @ 9:30am
New Year’s Day Breakfast
God Continues to Dwell with Us
Luke 2:15-21
As we begin the new year, let us begin the year together, with prayer, scripture, words of intention, and hopes for 2023!
As we start to wrap up 2022, I wanted to take a minute and say thank you for how everyone is giving of their time, energy, and financial gifts. This year, I have personally been overwhelmed by your generosity and kindness throughout the year and especially since the hurricane. YOU are part of our journey to live out our mission in our community…to feed people physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally in our community. YOU are helping us truly be the hands and feet of Christ in our community. Without every single person, it would be a beautiful statement without living it out. What I love about our faith community, is that we are truly living out our mission. We couldn’t do that without YOU! As you think about year end gifts, I pray you consider if you would like to make a special year end gift to Wintergarden. You can do that by mailing in a check (it needs to arrive before 12/31, dropping off check/cash at the church, or using our secure online giving platform). I truly am not sure what 2023 has in-store for our faith community…but if we continue to follow our call in our world, I believe God will continue to bless us and the lives of those we touch. Thank you for making our mission a reality. If you would like to give through the online giving, please click HERE. |
Dec. 30 Family Fun NightI Ice Skating early afternoon, followed by Dinner and a Movie Holiday fun for the entire family! |
Every Monday Lectio Divina at 8am Food Truck Delivery Wednesday (7, 14, 21, 28) Every Thursday Food Pantry 12-4pm CNS Care N Share Food Pantry-CNS will be Dec. 29 Dec. 23 Christmas Eve Eve Dinner Church at 4pm- with lasagna, salad, bread, dessert Dec. 25 Christmas Morning Service at 9:30am (wear your Christmas Jammies!) Dec. 30 Family Fun Night (ice skating early afternoon, followed by dinner and movie) |
FOOD PANTRY VOLUNTEERS NEEDEDPlease contact the church office at 941-743-5335 or email at |
Interested in joining our Garden? Garden of Eatin’ – Food Forest For more information click HERE. |
At Wintergarden Presbyterian Church we’re eager to pray for you! Please let us know how we can pray by submitting a Prayer Request online (link below). The prayer requests are emailed to Pastor Devon once submitted. |
Our Scripture Lesson is Luke 2: 15-21 We will gather via zoom for an intentional time of listening, reflecting, responding, and resting in the Word of God. We will meet on Mondays from 8-9 am. Here are some details about Lectio Divina. Lectio Divina, literally meaning “divine reading,” is an ancient practice of praying the Scriptures. During Lectio Divina, the person listens to the text of the Bible with the “ear of the heart,” as if he or she is in conversation with God, and God is suggesting the topics for discussion. There are four movements for Lectio Divina: 1. Lectio: (Listening to the Word of God or Reading God’s Word) 2. Meditatio: (Reflecting on the Word of God) 3. Oratio: (Responding to the Word of God) 4. Contemplatio: (Resting in the Word of God) Here is the Zoom Link: Join Zoom Meeting: Click HERE Meeting ID: 878 3208 0869 Passcode: 396015 +16465588656,,87832080869#,,,,*396015# US (New York) |