Dearest Faith Community Near and Far-
“Come to the Table” has been our theme this Lenten season. And as the weeks have gone by, we have explored different table settings through the parables and stories of Jesus eating with people.
As we continue from Holy Week to Resurrection Sunday, I wanted to take a few moments to share about each of the services and opportunities during the rest of the week. Also, invite your friends or neighbors to join us for any of these worship opportunities.
Maundy Thursday
Thursday, April 6 at 6pm
Maralee and I are cooking a delicious dinner and worship experience for everyone. Some important details:
- We will gather in the Sanctuary for dinner and worship at 6pm
- A foot washing will be included as part of the service. Wear sandals if possible.
- This will be a participatory service. I pray you can come with an open heart and mind for the worship experience.
- This will be in-person only, not on Facebook Live.
Good Friday
Friday, April 7 at 12pm
On Friday, we will gather around the fountain for the Good Friday Meditation service. This will be a reflective service as we go into the weekend. The service will be in-person and on Facebook Live.
Holy Saturday
Saturday, April 8
Our daily devotions have been through The Society of St. Andrews ( One of the aspects of the devotional is engaging in a form of a fast. I know the word “fast” can bring up different feelings or emotions or wonderings. There are a whole bunch of ideas and guidelines for this optional fast. As someone who is a type 1 diabetic, fasting from food is are not something I feel comfortable doing. There are many reasons why a food fast might not be the right thing for you to do. There are many options to a fast. Maybe the type of fast you do is to read through the scriptures throughout the day and meditate on those passages. Maybe you feel led to do a food fast, but make sure you do so medically responsibly. Maybe the fast you choose is mindful fo the words from Isaiah 58. Or you may choose to not do anything related to a fast. Here is the link to the document from SOSA if you choose to explore this route. Click on the link below “In Remembrance of Me”.
Easter Services
Sunday, April 9
Sunrise Service-7:00am (in person only)
Traditional Service- 9:30am
(in person and on Facebook Live)
Easter Egg Hunt- After worship
Come to the Table and join us to celebrate the resurrection! Our sunrise service will be around the fountain in the garden at 7am. Then we will gather for Breakfast Church at 9:30am, please bring a dish to share. After our traditional service, we will have an Easter egg hunt in the garden for the children. Please invite your friends and neighbors to join us for any of these services.
Looking forward to spending time with you and your family throughout this weekend. Blessings to you and yours this Holy Week.
Much love,
Pastor Devon