Worship Services for October 11, 2020

Good Morning Wintergarden Family near and far!

For those of you who weren’t able to join us on Sunday for worship, here are our worship services. A reminder that we are doing both Sacred Space at 8:30 and our 9:30 Traditional service on Facebook Live and in person. Also, continue Sunday Morning Fellowship every Sunday at 11:00 am through September. 

Sacred SpaceOur meditation service, is at 8:30 am on Sunday mornings. You are welcome to join us in person in the garden, on-line through Facebook Live, or by receiving this video on Mondays. 
Sacred Space link HERE!

Traditional 9:30 ServiceOur more traditional, 9:30 am service is in the sanctuary. We are continuing our journey with understanding compassion through embracing the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12) in a more holistic way. The additional book Pastor Devon is using as a foundation is The Twelve Steps for a Compassionate Life by Karen Armstrong. Click on the title if you are interested in purchasing the book. 
Worship link HERE!

Today, I shared from Karen Armstrong’s book information about Step 6: Action. Here are those insights and actions to implement into our lives. 
Step 6: Action
First, make a resolution to act once every day in accordance with the POSITIVE version of the Golden Rule: “Treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself.”
Second, resolve each day to fulfill the NEGATIVE version of the Golden Rule: “Do not do to others what you would not like them to do to you.”
Third, make an effort once a day to change your thought patterns: if you find yourself indulging in a bout of anger or self-pity, try to channel all that negative energy into a more kindly direction. 
At the end of each day, check to see if you have performed your three actions. Sometimes you will find that you have not done so; sometimes you will remember that, on the contrary, you have behaved unkindly or inconsiderately. At this point, recall the third step and have compassion on yourself, smiley wryly at your omission, and resolve to do better tomorrow. When these three actions have become habitual and part of your daily routine, it is time to up your game and try for two acts of kindness every day and to prevent yourself on two occasions from inflicting unnecessary pain. Then go for three…and so on. The goal is to behave in this way “all day and every day.”

Here is the document from the morning if you would rather print it out: HERE

Sunday Morning Fellowship will be at 11:00 am through Zoom. We will plan to continue Fellowship until a majority of folks feel comfortable joining for worship. This is a time to chat and check-in. We would love to see how many folks we could have join for fellowship! Here is the zoom link: Join Zoom Meeting

Click HERE for the zoom link!

Meeting ID: 835 2292 7576
Please let me know if you have any questions! 

Love to you all, 
Pastor Devon