The Space Between Us
 We have completed the sermon series on the Space Between Us. But we have not finished our Tuesday and Wednesday conversations. We also still have a few books if anyone is interested. 

We will NOT gather on June 1 or June 2 for our study while Pastor Devon is on vacation. 

We will RESUME our study on Tuesday, June 8 at 7pm. Sarah B. Anderson, the author of the book “The Space Between Us” will be joining our conversation on Tuesday evening at 7pm. If at all possible, it would be great if everyone could join for the Tuesday evening conversation with Sarah. If you cannot, please let Pastor Devon know and we can do a conversation on Wednesday morning, June 9 at 10am as well. 

Then we will have our wrap up conversations on Tuesday, June 15 at 7pm on zoom and Wednesday, June 16 at 10am on zoom and/or in person. 

We have a little bit more information on our website and a registration form:  

Here is a link to the podcast that encouraged me to read the book and want to do this study together.

Save the zoom information for our session in two weeks. 

Click HERE for the zoom link for either time
Meeting ID: 837 6489 7732
Passcode: 18305

OR go to 
Enter Meeting ID: 837 6489 7732
And when asked, enter Passcode: 18305

OR join via phone
+13017158592,,83764897732#,,,,*18305# US (Washington DC)