Cold Mornings Outdoors are DIFFICULT!
Dear Faith Community-
Many of you know that I am a cold weather wimp! But I have also heard from many of you that it will be too cold for you to gather outside for worship. So the session had a text messaging and email conversation about deciding what to do when the weather is a little chillier than our bones like!
There is a difference between the actual temperature and what the temperature “feels like.” We are moving forward with worship based on what the temperature “feels like.”
Meaning, if the temperature is 58 degrees but it “feels like” 53 degrees, we will worship VIRTUALLY through FACEBOOK LIVE for Sacred Space and VIRTUALLY through ZOOM and FACEBOOK LIVE for our Traditional 9:30am service. If the temperature is 55 degrees and it “feels like” 55 degrees, then we will worship OUTDOORS and VIRTUALLY on Facebook Live. If the temperature is 65 degrees and feels like 68 degrees, then we will worship OUTDOORS and VIRTUALLY on Facebook Live. Hopefully that makes sense!
You have TWO options.
1. You can join through Facebook Live (like normal). You would visit the Wintergarden site on Facebook and you will see the video pop up and you can join that way. Know the format on your screen will be slightly different this week since the service is coming through Zoom.
2. You can join through Zoom. In Zoom, you will be on the screen with other folks from our congregation. You will be able to interact with one another, just like in other zoom gatherings. If you choose to gather through zoom, here are some insights for you.
- When we gather for Zoom for worship, you will click on the link at the end of this message. You will join our time together “muted” and on camera. You have the option to unmute yourself or to not be on camera.
- I would like for everyone to click on the upper right had corner and be on “Speaker View” instead of “Gallery View.” There will be times where I invite you to switch between speaker and gallery view, but let’s start together on Speaker View.
- Also, when we gather on Zoom, since your video will be on, please make sure you are dressed appropriately.
- And, when you join via Zoom, your amazing face will be included in the Facebook Live presentation.
As this is a new experience for us, I would like to ask for your patience and understanding as we work through the technology issues that almost always arise. But know, when we gather, from wherever we are, God is present with us and cheering us on!
Join Zoom Worship:
You can also click HERE for the zoom link.
Meeting ID: 882 0169 0316
Passcode: 462376
Join for Facebook Worship:
You can also click HERE for the facebook link.
Blessings and thankful to have you on this ride with us!
Click HERE for the link for the bulletin.
Or you can use the Faithlife app for the bulletin. So much technology!
Fellowship will follow worship at 11 am. Would love to have you join us for fellowship and further conversations!
“See” you in the morning!
-Pastor Devon