Dearest Faith Community Near and Far-
Happy Friday!
First, if you need anything to help with recovery from the Hurricane, please let me know. Just call, text, or email. Call me at 941-525-6671. Also, please continue to pray deeply for our community at large. Slowly debris and other waste is being picked up. Thankful for the teams doing this work.
Second, we are so blessed by how our community is helping. Thank you to Keep Charlotte Beautiful, Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful, and Keep Brevard Beautiful for all the ways you are supporting the Garden of Eatin and our Food Pantry! Folks from Church of the Palms helped load up the storage unit and we received food from Pine Shores Presbyterian. We are trying to share all the amazing support on our Facebook page, so check there for our ongoing stories to celebrate!
Third, we will continue to post resources on our Facebook page, as well as images of the work being done and how we are continuing the serve our community. Please share the exciting things happening with your friends.
Fourth, we are getting closer to finalizing the roof for both buildings, demolition for inside the sanctuary, and more. This will be a long road, but we truly believe God continues to put the right people in our path. Because this will be a long road, we are still looking into renting a tent for the memorial garden to help keep us in the shade.
Fifth, for worship, we will continue to have “Breakfast Church” on Sunday mornings. What will breakfast church look like? I’m so glad you asked! We will gather in the garden around tables to eat breakfast. With this meal, we will enjoy fellowship, prayer, a scripture lesson, and being in community together. We are going to embody breaking bread together and being the body of Christ in a different way. We will gather at 9:30 and this Sunday, Bob and Jodi Topping will be bringing us breakfast (so you don’t need to bring a dish to share). We will be postponing Sacred Space until November 13 (sorry for the date change) and worship online until November 13. Bert worked with Jim from Creative Sound to set up almost everything to be able to stream worship. A few more steps and we are hoping we will be able to stream outdoors on November 13th. Again, sorry for the date postponement for Sacred Space and going “online.”
Sixth, thank you for the way you are giving of your time and your financial gifts. Click HERE if you would like to contribute to disaster relief and please share this link with your friends and family. You can also continue to give to the general fund, food pantry, and community garden. Thank you for supporting our faith community and for everything you do to help us live into our mission to feed people physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally in our community. You are helping us truly be the hands and feet of Christ in our community
If you have any questions or wonderings or concerns, please let me know. Call, text, or email. Blessings to you all!
Much love,
Pastor Devon
Worship with Wintergarden
Sunday, November 6, 2022
Sacred Space is POSTPONED
until November 13, 2022 @ 8:30am
We will resume in the garden by the fountain
and the service will be in-person and online
Casual Breakfast Church @ 9:30am
In the Garden
Breakfast will be provided for us by Bob and Jodi Topping from Bonita Springs. No need to bring a dish to share this weekend.
Online Worship is Postponed
until Sunday, November 13 at 9:30am
BREAKFAST CHURCH Join us for a sweet time of Scripture, Prayer, and Fellowship. Gather in the garden at 9:30am. Breakfast is provided for us this weekend, not need to bring a dish. |
SUNDAY SCHOOL IS BACK! Meet us outside in the garden. |
Every Monday Lectio Divina Every Wednesday Food delivery Every Thursday Food Pantry, 12-4pm Saturday, Nov 12 Church Work Day, 8am-12pm Nov. 15 Homeless Coalition meal Nov. 19 30th Anniversary Bash! Nov. 24 Community Thanksgiving Meal beginning at 2pm (movie as well) Nov. 25 Family Fun Night: Postponed to December 2 |
CHURCH WORK DAY We’ll be working on putting the sensory garden and community garden areas back together. We want to make the area safe for our Lettuce Learn homeschool group and for being able to worship by the fountain. There is so much work to do in the garden, that we need all the help we can get. Hope to see you then! Breakfast and Lunch will be provided. |
At Wintergarden Presbyterian Church we are eager to pray for you! Please let us know how we can pray by submitting a Prayer Request online (link below). The prayer requests are emailed to Pastor Devon once submitted. |
Our Scripture Lesson is Romans 15:7-13 We will gather via zoom for an intentional time of listening, reflecting, responding, and resting in the Word of God. We will meet on Mondays from 8-9 am. Here are some details about Lectio Divina. Lectio Divina, literally meaning “divine reading,” is an ancient practice of praying the Scriptures. During Lectio Divina, the person listens to the text of the Bible with the “ear of the heart,” as if he or she is in conversation with God, and God is suggesting the topics for discussion. There are four movements for Lectio Divina: 1. Lectio: (Listening to the Word of God or Reading God’s Word) 2. Meditatio: (Reflecting on the Word of God) 3. Oratio: (Responding to the Word of God) 4. Contemplatio: (Resting in the Word of God) Here is the Zoom Link: Join Zoom Meeting: Click HERE Meeting ID: 878 3208 0869 Passcode: 396015 +16465588656,,87832080869#,,,,*396015# US (New York) |