Dearest Wintergarden Faith Community, 

As we continue to pray for one another, our community, our country, and our world, let us do so with love and hope. Our weekly email of prayers is a way for us to share the prayers shared in worship, through the food pantry, and our various other ministries with a larger group. Due to privacy needs we will only include the first names of people and not last names. We also know this list will not be perfect and in need of constant updating. We will review this every week and be mindful of how we are being asked to pray for one another, our community, our country, and our world. 

Pastor Devon 

Special Prayers for 2023

Let’s just say it. “2022 was A LOT!”  We have all gone through so much this past year! And as we look forward to 2023 it is inevitable that we do so with varying degrees of relief and caution as to what is next for us all. In sharing what’s in her heart, Pastor Devon added, “I’m over fake church and division – especially using God as an excuse for that division.” Because of this, we started 2023 called to prayer for our world, our country, our county, our community, our church, and for each other. 

Prayers for Our World

We continue to pray for a more peace-filled world. Peace in and between governments, groups, families, the church, and individuals. Specifically, we pray for:

  • world peace,
  • an end to the war in the Ukraine,
  • salvation / coming to God for all,
  • and for the end of church division. 

Prayers for Charlotte County

As walk into Long-term Recovery (LTR) work we pray:

  • we welcome work teams and partner agencies with Christ-like hearts, 
  • we find partnerships and people ready to answer God’s call, 
  • that the practical work of getting people housed is a catalyst for a change of direction for the county. 
  • that this work leads to a stronger, more resilient Charlotte County

Prayers for Each Other

As we walk together into the new year please know you are loved and belong to God. Further, please pray that all whom we encounter know the same. Please specifically pray for:

  • the feeling of certainty of God’s love to be deeply felt, 
  • glimpses of hope that are all around us to be seen and felt and reflected forward, 
  • ways that promote healing, 
  • more time with loved ones,
  • rest – in both little moments and big,
  • new ways of living our faith as Jesus has called us to do, including praying for a new boldness in what is next for our church, community, and world. 

Fruits of the Spirit

We also were reminded to pray for the fruits of the spirit: …love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  

Galatians 5:22-23

On the website for the church, there is a way to submit your prayer requests. If this is something you would be interested in doing, please do so. The prayer requests are emailed to Pastor Devon once they are submitted. 

Here is the link: