Dearest Wintergarden Faith Community, 

As we continue to pray for one another, our community, our country, and our world, let us do so with love and hope. Our weekly email of prayers is a way for us to share the prayers shared in worship, through the food pantry, and our various other ministries with a larger group. Due to privacy needs we will only include the first names of people and not last names. We also know this list will not be perfect and in need of constant updating. We will review this every week and be mindful of how we are being asked to pray for one another, our community, our country, and our world. 

Pastor Devon 

Making Room

Reflecting back on the story Pastor Devon shared on Sunday about her a former congregation, she shared about the one Sunday when a large group of new people were visiting. She expressed her disappointment when she found all the long-time members not only not welcoming the visitors during fellowship time, but actively excluding them! 

We are not that.

But is there room to improve how we welcome strangers? 

How do we respond when new or different people join us? 

How should we? 

Please continue to prayerfully consider, how we will make more room at our table. 

Prayers of Joy

  • Maralee’s mom has improving. A long-term care plan has been put in place and so that is also good news. Maralee had the chance for a good visit and also expressed gratitude for those that work caring for our parents. They are overworked and yet so gracious. They absolutely need our prayer support. 
  • Cheryl is all moved into her new home, and welcoming visitors! This is such an amazing answer to all of our prayers! And she is grateful for all the support she received getting to this place. Praise the Lord, indeed! 
  • Prayers of gratitude for a “beautiful Thursday!” The Praying Pelican Missions team was such a blessing! We never want any of the teams to leave as we love each team so much! 
  • Prayers for Sharon’s daughter, Bekah, who is in her senior year in high school. 
  • Prayers of joy also for Sharon’s class, as it’s continuing to be a good year. New students with new needs will be joining them, so continued prayers that the remainder of the year is also great as we want Sharon’s final year here to be a positive and memorable one. 


  • Prayers for Bob and Joy. Bob is back in rehab right now and is working through different health news he’s receiving. Prayers for recovering and rehab so he can get back home. And for Joy who now has 24 hour care and as they decide what the next steps will be. And also for Ashley as she helps to try to figure all this out for and with her parents. They need a lot of help and support and if you are able to do some visits with them, contact Devon or Heather.  UPDATE: Joy is back in the hospital. 
  • Please also pray for Rich and Karen. They are new to our faith community. They went to visit their son and his family and the day after they arrived, their son passed away. Their son was 45 and so we also need to pray for his whole family. 
  • Prayers for Wendy’s father-in-law, Tom. He’s 95 with Alzheimer’s and in the hospital with pneumonia. So, prayers for him, but also for the staff and family members there as he’s not a very compliant patient. He’s improving and will need rehab soon. They are facing deciding how to best navigate that considering his mental status.
  • April, a pantry volunteer lost her grandmother recently and is also having some health challenges herself, so please keep April in your prayers. 
  • For Lisa, a friend of Sharon’s. Lisa and her sister are trying to find the right place for their mom, which is always hard. 
  • Prayers for Colleen’s son as he is suffering from bad side effects of the steroid treatments that were used to treat his blood condition. 
  • John requested prayers for a positive resolution of the custody situation his family is facing. 
  • Joyce’s friend, Ruth, is in the hospital, infection in her knee replacement.
  • Continued prayers for Jeff’s recovery from his shoulder surgeries. Things are slowly improving and Jeff and Deb are hoping to head south soon. 
  • Eric also lifted up his friend who is a missionary. Pray for the energy and that he continue to follow God’s call in that work. 
  • Kymmie asked for prayers for positive test results. 
  • Pray for those in the homeless shelter. For staff and volunteers as they do their best to help. Also for the clients there. Cheryl reports many don’t seem to know what’s next for them. 
  • For those that have lost loved ones or are struggling with what’s going on with their children and how to best give them support. 
  • Please continue to pray for this church’s call to feed people spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically.

Prayers for the World

Please continue to pray for our community and world:

  • Prayers for those fighting with home owner’s insurance claims, FEMA process, and other issues connected to hurricane recovery. 
  • For the mission teams coming to serve in our community to help people rebuild their homes and lives.
  • Continue to pray for Syria, Turkey, Ukraine.
  • And as always, we continue to pray for world peace and more peace interactions between peoples. 
On the website for the church, there is a way to submit your prayer requests. If this is something you would be interested in doing, please do so. The prayer requests are emailed to Pastor Devon once they are submitted. 

Here is the link: