Dearest Faith Community Near and Far- What a week at Wintergarden! This past week, we had three wonderful mission teams work around the church, the community, and in someone’s home. To have 3 different all female teams of mission workers was truly a gift to us! And we are praying we were a gift to them as well. First, Breakfast Church will continue under the tent on Sunday, March 12 at 9:30, please bring a dish to share every week. As we continue our Lenten Study, we will be exploring how Jesus engaged with all different people around the table. Second, some construction highlights, updates, and property work. In addition, pictures are being posted on our Facebook page:Care Electric is almost done with the electrical work. So close to moving to the next steps!We received even MORE carpet samples have been ordered. We are getting closer…maybe!The land clearing began for the outdoor kitchen and now there is sand there for the bricks. Maybe even the bricks have been laid. Check out the area behind the shed!Projects coming up in the near future:Kitchen DemolitionOutdoor kitchen build outInsulation for both buildingsDrywall and wall textureAV installation workThird, we learned a little more about our “makeshift” kitchen. A little more fine-tuning there and we are ready for our next team to come in. Fourth, if you can, we would love help in the children’s Sunday school room this Tuesday. It will involve getting the closet more organized, throwing items away, and creating a welcoming environment for our children. We will gather around 11am on Tuesday for this project. Fifth, thank you to those who came out to help us begin to learn, dream, and design an approach of congregational care for Wintergarden. We will gather again this Wednesday at 1pm. If you are interested and feel you have the spiritual gifts for care giving, please join on this week. Also, thank you to all the food pantry volunteers who came for “boot camp” training with to learn more about the process so we can be an efficient as possible in how we serve our community and work together. Sixth, we received our first order from MAW (the multi-agency warehouse). Most of the order is in the lobby. These items will be used for our work projects in the community and for projects in the church. If you have any questions or wonderings or concerns, please let me know. Call, text, or email. Blessings to you all!Much love, Pastor |
Sorry for the late notice…but our 2nd Saturday Workday is canceled! |
Worship with Wintergarden Sunday, March 12, 2023 3rd Sunday of Lent +++++ Breakfast Church @ 9:30am In the Garden! Friends, Bert, our AV guy, is out of town for the weekend. And Devon and Lamont are out of town. So, we do not have anyone to do the setup and run AV. This means that we CANNOT promise or guarantee that worship will be online this week. Check in around 10am or 10:15am to see if folks were able to get it to work. *Please bring a dish to share. +++++How to access the bulletin: Bulletin HERE How to Access Services Online: Join us on Facebook for Worship Services Remember, you don’t need a Facebook Account to join us for worship. You can also click HERE for the Facebook link. |
Sunday, March 12, 2023 3rd Sunday of LentSurprised by Grace – Dinner Interrupted (Luke 7:36-50) Guest Preacher Bill KraftJoin us under the tent at 9:30 am for a time of Food, Fellowship, and Worship. Please bring a dish to share this Sunday. Also, if folks can come around 9:00 am to help set up for Breakfast Church it would be greatly appreciated! |
Our Lenten Devotional is through SOSA (The Society of St. Andrews). SOSA’s mission is to end hunger. If you want to receive the devotional electronically, please click HERE for their website. We will also provide paper copies in worship and the daily devotionals will be on our Facebook page around 9am every morning. |
Wednesday Evening Dinner and Study, March 15 at 5:30pm “Just Eating?: Practicing Our Faith at the Table.” Everyone welcome – Invite a friend! The “dish” challenge for this Wednesday is to bring something that others might not have had before. It’s called an Adventure Potluck! We will gather for our meal at 5:30 and begin our study at 6:00pm. Also, please work through the in-home study if you have the booklet. |
Every Monday Lectio Divina on Zoom, 8am Every Wednesday Food delivery Every Thursday Food Pantry 12-4pm Every Tuesday and Friday is Bone Builders, 10am Mar. 14: Homeless Coalition meal at 4:30pm March 15: Potluck Dinner and Bible Study (Just Eating?) at 5:30pm March 22: Potluck Dinner and Bible Study (Just Eating?) at 5:30pm Mar. 23: CNS Care N Share March 29: Potluck Dinner and Bible Study(Just Eating?) at 5:30pm Mar. 31: Family Fun “Game” Night (Last Friday of every month) |
FOOD PANTRY VOLUNTEERS NEEDEDPlease contact the church office at 941-743-5335 or email at |
Interested in joining our Garden? Garden of Eatin’ – Food Forest For more information click HERE. |
At Wintergarden Presbyterian Church we’re eager to pray with you! Please let us know how we can pray by submitting a Prayer Request online (link below). The prayer requests are emailed to Pastor Devon once submitted. |
Our Scripture Lesson is Luke 14:7-14 We will gather via zoom for an intentional time of listening, reflecting, responding, and resting in the Word of God. We will meet on Mondays from 8-9 am. Here are some details about Lectio Divina. Lectio Divina, literally meaning “divine reading,” is an ancient practice of praying the Scriptures. During Lectio Divina, the person listens to the text of the Bible with the “ear of the heart,” as if he or she is in conversation with God, and God is suggesting the topics for discussion. There are four movements for Lectio Divina: 1. Lectio: (Listening to the Word of God or Reading God’s Word) 2. Meditatio: (Reflecting on the Word of God) 3. Oratio: (Responding to the Word of God) 4. Contemplatio: (Resting in the Word of God) Here is the Zoom Link: Join Zoom Meeting: Click HERE Meeting ID: 878 3208 0869 Passcode: 396015 +16465588656,,87832080869#,,,,*396015# US (New York) |
Maralee McGowen, Clerk of Session Bert Simmons, Treasurer Rick Laurence Wendy Rainey Lynn Webster |